Friday, February 26, 2010

I can't actually believe I reached the end. This was a great experience and I learned a lot doing these exercises. My favorite part of this training was opening my blog and record my experiences and RSS feeds Google news through Google Reader to my blog to read the news. Another interesting one was Google Doc which I use all the time to help my customers and they just love it :-D
I got frustrated with Rollyo and wiki sandbox and try to go back and play with them later in my library life:(
I think librarians can use a lot of these at work and it would have been great if this kind of training continues with more time to practice since we are the librarians of the digital age.~:-O

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Learn about Audiobooks
I created an account with Overdirve and downloaded my favorite book The 100 simple secrets of happy people by David Niven on to my computer and put two items on hold. I looked at NetLibrary and found it easy to use and follow.I think Ebooks are wonderful service that libraries provide for their customers,they need less space and hundreds and thousands of books can be stored in the computer and customers can access,download and enjoy them.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

iTunes and Podcasts

I have been using iTunes downloading my favorite music to my iPhone and listen while cooking or exercising.
Podcast- I discovered a good source for finding the top popular podcasts. I searched for library podcasts and found 163 results. Very rich site with lot of information.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Discover YouTube
YouTube is really fascinating and I often use it to post my favorite videos from Persian poets to the advice of the world's best spiritual masters to my Facebook account and share it with my freinds and family!:-D. It is one of the best tools of web 2.0 , easy to use and I love it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Discover anysite from the Web 2.0 awards list
I chose imcookedwhich is a web community for video recepie sharing. You name it ,this site has it all with step by step videos in preparing the food. You can even film and upload a video and share it with others which I haven't done yet but I am planning to share some Persian recepie in the near future~:-)
I also chose revolution health which is very rich in all sort of health information features from conditions, diseases, healthy living,drugs, treatment and so on. It would be an excellent source to help our customers with all sorts of health questions.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Online productivity tools

I choose Google Doc for its powerful application. I have heard about it before but never had a chance to play with it. Since I have an gmail account I used the same account for this and created some documents on my favorite Persian poets and Shared it with my freinds on Google doc and my Facebook account. I think this is a wonderful tool and I will use it to keep track of my favorites things online. Thank you Google Doc.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playing in the Maryland Sandbox

My experience with Wiki Sandbox (Maryland) was unsuccessful. I spent a good amount of time playing with Maryland wiki sandbox and I tried multiple times to login, and add my favorite web sites but there was no link.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh my dear Wiki....
I think Wiki is a wonderful tool for public libraries to educate their users about their resources and information. It is even more useful for internal use in libraries for planning and communication between staff. We have a Wiki at Olney library which is very informative and keeps staff with the latest library news and events, it encourage us to add content and exchange ideas on a different subjects. I like the SJCPL and Book lovers wikis for their simple structures and educational resources they provides to their communities. Wiki is a must for public libraries and it opens up a new possibilities for collaboration between libraries and their users.